On Friday our whole school went down to the beach, But Somethings i enjoyed about picnic is bonding with most of the year 7 and 8s it was a very fun day down at the beach. Because all you could do is just kick back or play some sports or go to the beach and swim. It was very cool playing touch with all the boys and we played touch for 2 hours non stop that was very cool. And some X students of Pt England played to it was fun playing with them but the school choose a very good day to go down because it wasn't raining but it was a nice and sunny day. Lastly what i enjoyed most was bonding with the boys and some girls more because it was the last year for us year eights.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Monday, 5 December 2016
Friday, 2 December 2016
States of matter
Discussion Doc States of matter
Give three examples of each state of matter?
Soft drink
What’s the difference between the three states of matter?
Solids ain't that easy to change their states
Near each other
In gas molecules are far apart
Write 3 sentences explaining something new you learned from this reading.
Anything around us is made up of matter.
Matter has three states.
Solid is anything you can touch.
In Mr Wiseman's literacy class we have been learning heaps about matter, I have leanrt heaps more about matter. I have learnt that matter has three states, Anything and everything is made out of matter and Matter can be alive or invisible.
States of Matter
In Room 1 literacy class we have been learning about States of matter, Some facts about matter is anything that takes up space is Matter. Matter has three states that is Solid,Liquid and Gas. Matter can be alive or even invisible.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Converting to past tense
1 - I am running towards you, but you are bolting in the opposite direction. They are hurtling towards us, from the edge of the field. Liam runs away from the wooded area, on the far side of the football pitch, but Amy sees him coming and gets out of the way.
I...ran towards you,but you bolted in the opposite direction.They hurtled towards us,from the edge of the field.Liam ran away from the wooded area,on the far side of the football pitch,but Amy saw him coming got out of the way.
2 - We are making pictures out of leaves and twigs, which pupils are bringing in from home. Peter is cutting out pictures of woodland animals from the old magazines that parents donate. Emma uses crêpe paper to form a bark-like appearance on an old cardboard tube – it looks like an oak tree. Mrs Thompson praises their efforts and gives them both a sticker.
We…made pictures out of leaves and twigs,which pupils have brought in from home. Peter had cut out pictures of woodland animals from the old magazines that the parents donated.Emma used creepy paper to form a bark-like appearance on an old cardboard tube - it looked like an oak tree. Mrs Thompson praised their efforts and gave them both a sticker
3 - You run across the road, but a car comes by and nearly knocks you down. You race to the corner of the street, then leap over a small, green hedge. You see your friend, Billy. He darts towards you, then you both run towards me. I join in, and I tear along the road next to you. All three of us reach Billy’s house and speed up the path to his front door. We arrive at the door, then ring the doorbell. Billy’s mum answers, then lets us in for a drink of orange squash.
You...ran across the road,but a car comes by and nearly knocks me down. I race to the corner of the street,they leap over a small,green hedge, i see my friend,Billy.He darts towards me,then they both run towards me. I join in, and i tear along the road next to me.All three of us reach Billy’s house and speed up the path to his front door. We arrive at the door then we ring the doorbell. Billy’s mum answers, the lets us in for a drink of orange squash
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Monday, 5 September 2016
The conversion tester
This picture on the left is a maths tester. It is call converting fractions this game helps me practise a lot about converting percentages into fractions and then decimals.It is a very good site to go on and it helps me alot
Maths wizz

What i have been learning on MathsWhizz is Regular and Irregular shapes.Regular shapes have all there sides equal and their angles are equal as well. Irregular shapes are simply not regular and all its sides are not equal. I have learnt a lot from this it has helped me heaps and i have learnt to put different shapes into the right places of Regular and irregular.
Monday, 29 August 2016
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Friday, 12 August 2016
Rugby League
Yesterday we had our rugby league tournament.It was a very competitive tournament We played heaps of games the teams that were there were Sylvia park,Glenn Taylor and two PtEngland teams Our first game was against Sylvia park we started off good and it stayed that way till the end of the game but after the Game it was 5 all to PtEngland and Sylvia park so it was a draw it was a very tough game.Our Second game was against our other PtEngland team it was a interesting and funny game because we were just having heaps of fun and just enjoying ourselfs Then one game before the finals we versed Glenn Taylor They were a very aggressive tam but at the end of the game we won so then we were heading to the finals.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Friday, 8 July 2016
Weekly Activity 1
WHY I WOULD PICK BOXING...... why I would pick running is because you can get very fit from it and so fast. And also you can always push yourself to run faster then the other person.And Running is one of the most common sport.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Monday, 4 July 2016
Friday, 27 May 2016
Wool & Nail Art
Today at our Art rotations we were with Mr Wiseman he had a very interesting task that we had to do with him.It was Wool and Nail art we were only first we had to do was bang in the nails and if you didn't recognise the pattern its a star. So we had to bang the nails in but trace it like a star then grab the wool and then wrap the string around the nails until you make a star shape.
Monday, 23 May 2016
Friday, 20 May 2016
Balloon mache
What we have been learning during inquiry block is learning how to build a balloon mache it is very interesting to make. And now i'm going to tell you how to do one yourself
Step1, First you need to lay down a piece of news paper then you grab your materiels that is glue,cotton wool and one lollies
step2, you need to blow up your balloon and try and fit you lollie in your balloon when you finish blowing you baloon up you poor your glue into a bowl and get the cotton wool and dip the cotton will in the glue and wrap it around the ballon
step3, by the time you finish wrapping the cotton around the balloon you put the ballon on a clothes line and wait till it dries
step4, Then it should be dry then you pop the ballon and you would get the cotton wool as a ball and it will be hard
Thursday, 19 May 2016
History of he Waka
What we have been learning about in literacy class is history of the waka. It is all about using traditional methods like how you use the clouds,sun,stars,birds and the sea. It is a interesting task to learn about cause i never knew about those methods. They must of been so clever to use those sorts of methods.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Immersion Assembly
Monday the 2nd of May, We had a immersion assembly at Pt England school it was the first day back at school.It was so tiring coming back to school but we started school with our team 5 assembly and then we headed of to the hall for our immersion assembly And the topic for this term 2 is AS I SEE IT and it was also about art.
First team up was team 1,They had a very good and entertaining movie it was all about what they like and there favourite thing they would like to draw.They also gave some prizes out at the end of their video it was Questions and answers if you got the answer right you would get a prize.
Then it was team 2 turn to go up,what they were doing for there team was learning about seasons and what kind of colours are in winter,summer,autumn and spring. There would be some pretty cool colours in the seasons.
Team 3 done a grand design movie it was really interesting and funny to watch. And what they were learning about is drawing and building like dream houses and and heaps more cool stuff.They had really laughable acting skills my funny bit in there movie was when they were showing us our tour of their tent.
Team 4 was the next team up they done an amusing acting and movie they what they were doing this term was learning about comics and more they had very cool costumes they were the TEACHER VENGERS. The whole act was about a teddy bear stealing bobby’s Chromebook and the teacher avengers saving bobby’s Chromebook and the done some were good acting.and then they started beating up the teddy bear.
Team 5 had the best acting in my thoughts there act was about battle of the waka's so Miss tele’a representing Hine Moana Mrs berry representing Te Aurere Miss Garden Representing Hokule'a and Miss Sadler representing Hikianalia it was so interesting to watch and funny.
First day of school,
literacy class,
Friday, 18 March 2016
Friday, 11 March 2016
One hot sweat dripping day,William came over He asked ”Should we go camping?”
David answered “why not” Let’s get going said David. So they started Loading stuff in there massive bags we grabbed our King sized tent out of the garage.We jumped into the car with joy in us But David said “The drive was 2 hours away.”And then we finally reached our Destination William said “There’s the camping spot”
David replied “Yes we are finally here”
We stopped near a Shivering cold lake we could feel the air swishing on us.William said “Let’s do the king sized tent first”
David answered “We should” They finally finished the tent as the sun was slowly going down but we had enough time to unpack our gear. Time was ticking sun was going we needed to make a fire so we went and gathered some sticks,thick rocks and a lighter.
They began to build the fire with all their stuff they collected they got the fire started all the sticks were burning into ashes.We stood right next to the fire because you could feel the cold air swishing past them but when you're next to the fire they could feel the warmth on them.they grabbed some kebab sticks out of there bags William said “Where’s the marshmallows.”
David answered “I must of left them at home WHOOPS!” Luckily there was a shop close by so David zoomed off to the shop.Suddenly he came back and the roasted marshmallows most of the night.
Completed work,
literacy class,
Monday, 7 March 2016
Friday, 4 March 2016
One cold shivering day,All the boys got together Ben suggested what to do today he said we should go hiking so Sonny and David were thinking for quite a bit.So Sonny and David said “Why not” so they began to pack there bag they were so humongous we got on our armoured boots and our big puffy Jackets.Because it was so cold and frosty they headed off to the bush track then instantly they got to the bush track.
We were walking like a snail in the bush track there were heaps of Dark,green,icy tip trees in the bush and heaps of hard rocky rocks.We started to walk up to a gigantic steep hill slowly we were getting slower and slower with our big bags it felt like we were caring a pig on our backs we got to the very top of the hill but we still had to walk down on the other side of the
One cold shivering day,All the boys got together Ben suggested what to do today he said we should go hiking so Sonny and David were thinking for quite a bit.So Sonny and David said “Why not” so they began to pack there bag they were so humongous we got on our armoured boots and our big puffy Jackets.Because it was so cold and frosty they headed off to the bush track then instantly they got to the bush track.
We were walking like a snail in the bush track there were heaps of Dark,green,icy tip trees in the bush and heaps of hard rocky rocks.We started to walk up to a gigantic steep hill slowly we were getting slower and slower with our big bags it felt like we were frozen people walking slow we got to the very top of the hill but we still had to walk down on the other side of the hill.But we had to watch our step when we walked down
Eventually we got down from the hill it started get windy trees were waving all around leaves were falling off they started heading but then… A tree comes flying down they try and run but then BOOM! it crashes on Ben’s leg ouch he yells!But luckily, Sonny and David gets out Sonny runs as fast as he could to get help, David said I left my phone in the car” So Sonny drops his bag and runs to the car.
Sonny got to the car and opens it,He grabs the phone out off the glove box and calls 911 the answer he says can I have the ambulance he says where he is.Luckily there was ambulance around the corner he get there like nothing.he takes him to the tree that fell on Ben’s leg they all help pull up the tree it was like you were trying to lift up a truck he wriggles his leg.And then what do you know he was Safe he got out,But his leg was badly bruised and he was limping to the ambulance and he said he’s never going hiking AGAIN!
Friday, 19 February 2016
Theme Park Narrative
Doom park
One hot sunny boring afternoon My friend and i David were so hot and bored that we came up with an idea what to do today.He said we should go to Doom park he said it had the highest Roller coaster in New Zealand.So we ran to the car and jumped in then we were finally there i could see the park from ages away suddenly we finally went in the line was so long because it was one of the best parks out by the looks of it.
Then we finally reached the ride we wanted to go on it was called Black invasion it was so high from down where we were but the sun slowly started to go down.And then they turned on the lights for the ride i couldn't wait to get on the ride i said to David.But the line wasn't moving as fast it was moving like a snail so David said to me should we go buy V.I.P passes.So we ran as fast as we could.We bought the V.I.P passes then sprinted back we reached the ride.
We were next said David the roller coaster soon came back we hopped on With Fare in our eyes…We sat down on the chair then the safety bars came down the ride started slowly up the tracks then we got to the very top of the track. And BOOM! we dropped down the tracks were going so fast WOOOOHOOO! putting our hand up then we started to get near those loops.Then the best ride of my life ended then we went back the car and went home.
The Bat
Read 'The Bat" and do the following tasks.
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Fill in the chart below to show how the batter, Tom, feels at different times in the story, and how he shows these feelings. The first line has been done for you.
Tom's feelings
b) Fill in the chart below to show how the pitcher, Matt, feels at different times in the story, and how he shows these feelings.
Matt's feelings
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